A Scientific Podcast Channel

Dr Hannah Maude and Angelos Manolias came to us to design a catchy and pop-art inspired website for their scientific podcast all about DNA. They are 2 scientists who want to appeal to the younger generation and inspire people to learn more about genetics and genomics. The site would need to link to the sites that host their podcast, as well as their sponsors and university who helped make their podcast possible. Each episode would need its own page, a link where users could listen to it, and an editable section to describe what happens.

What a great project to be a part of!

The top of the DNA& podcast web design for the scientific podcast all about DNA. The themes are purple and white.

Our Web Design for the Client

What a fun project!

We were able to create a pop art inspired podcast site based around purple and white (colours that were part of their logo). We tied in photos of the two presenters recording their podcast and used those as the basis to make the site personable. Each episode links to several channels that host their podcast and dynamic templates allow for them to upload new episodes as they are recorded whilst maintaining a high-end professional look.

Linking to Podcast Playlists and Sponsors

A footer was created that links each of the episodes to websites that host the podcast. These were animated to increase the appeal and high-end tone of the site. Alongside these, the sponsors of the podcast were thanked and linked at the bottom of each page too.

Alongside these, we were very happy to include a section for people who were inspired to continue or take up study into the sciences to contact the team. This outreach was put into the context of the design and animated to encourage interaction.

The section of the website that links to several platforms that host the podcast; including Amazon Music and Spotify.

Individual Pages for Each Podcast Episode

For each episode of the podcast a bespoke page was created. This was using specialist software that allowed us to create dynamic pages that maintained the theme and design of each page whilst changing the content depending on the episode. The effect allowed the site to give a luxury feel and professional tone from the 2 scientists.

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