Magic Soul Coaching

A Life Coaching Company

The client had created most of the website themselves, however was struggling to complete the design and get their vision across to users. We were brought in to help get the project across the line and ensure that everything functioned as they wanted.

A cropped version of the website design of the homepage for Magic Soul Coaching. The design uses a relaxed palette to convey calm tones.
The homepage for the website for Magic Soul Coaching. The tones are neutral browns and deep red, with some gold thrown in.

Our Web Design for the Client

We came in late to this project but that didn’t stop us from putting our all into it. The pages were optimised both in terms of layout and image optimisation to help the site run faster and therefore perform better on search engines. We gave the entire site an SEO pass to help ensure that our client got the best out of the site that they could. The project was delivered in a very short timeframe, to a very high standard. And the client was great to work with too!

Decorative Overlays

The client wanted several images to be overlaid on the site. This meant working within the Z parameter of the site, which is always a fun challenge. The decorations are fully responsive across laptop, tablet and mobile devices. To go with this, the overlays add a lovely touch to the tone of the site and don’t interfere with any of the text or images.

Contact Form

The client needed an area where prospective customers could reach out to them. We created a contact form on the site that is tied to the client’s email address so that prospective clients can reach out to them. When a prospective customer fills in the form, an email goes straight into our client’s inbox with a heading to say where it came from and what it’s about, they can then reply and convert that prospective customer into a fully fledge client.

A contact form on the website that shows the gold and red design that runs through the site design.

Discover More of Our Website Designs

A Small Therapy Business
A Personal Training Website
A Scientific Podcast Channel