Portfield Farm Nursery

A Local Nursery Business

This nursery is a small family business that’s run in leafy Surrey with a focus on the outdoors. As such, the client wanted a site that would highlight the sense of being outside and could show off their wonderful images. A green was mandated for the colour palette and the client wanted a playful feel to the site, nothing too fancy. The site needed to show the children playing, the stunning setting, and the reviews from their customers. The client also provided so many wonderful images that it was agreed a gallery would be needed to highlight all of the experiences that children could get at this nursery. They even provided a video that they wanted at the forefront of the website.

The web design for Portfield Farm Nursery which shows happy children at a nursery.
The homepage for the web design for Portfield Farm Nursery. It has green and white sections throughout.

Our Web Design for the Client

The 7 page site is playful with a font that stands out as being different and the website it full of images and videos of the nursery and their children. The site is set using a light green and white in alternating sections and broken up by the imagery. The video that the client provided is positioned as high up the page as possible without being “above the fold” for page loading speed. This means that the site maintains its speed for search engine rankings. The site was tied to each of the client’s social media outlets meaning users could quickly and easily learn more about the business and what they do. A contact form in the footer of the site appears on each page and allows users to contact the client directly to book things like viewings and days in the nursery. The homepage also has a dynamic feed pulling in data from Google to show their reviews to users, as it is Google certified it brings extra trust and legitimacy to these reviews.

The Gallery

With well over 100 images that were provided by the client, a gallery was definitely needed. We used a premium software for the website that allows a selected image to expand out of the page and then scrolling to occur. All of this includes images that were optimised for file size and quality making the gallery less than 10% of the file size without losing any quality.

Dynamic Google Reviews

Using specialist software, we were able to tie the site to the client’s Google Business Profile. By doing this the site can now have live Google Reviews showing. If a new review is left on Google of the nursery, it will appear on their website.

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